Blue, White, Red
3 Fine Art Prints, 40 x 60 cm, 2012/2015
What meets the eye in a hotel room? Or when looking out of the hotel room? What remains at the end of the day? Here, we see three scenes in which the protagonists have left the stage. Three times a short stopped emotion, some sense of isolation, an allusion that there might have been something else.
Blue, white, and red are the colours of the French flag in left-to-right order and „Three Colours“ is the title of a film trilogy by Krzysztof Kieslowski. Each of the films in this trilogy is loosely based on one of the three political ideals in the motto of the French Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity (one may add though, that the illustration of these principles in the films is to an extent ambiguous and ironic). And for the work presented here the trilogy seems like a distant greeting or a fleeting memory of other times.