Site specific mixed media installation
collected exhibition postcards (2005 – 2010), 2010
X-FLAT, temporary exhibition space, Berlin
Moving out of a space also means leaving behind a time period. Our just vacated flat was transformed into a temporary exhibition space called X-Flat. “Passing time: 2005–2010″ was made specifically for this occasion:
250 art related postcards/flyers – i.e. markers from the public domain – that I had collected over those five years and kept along the way were congregated in the former living room. Their matter of interest might have been a title, an image, a design or a (personal) memory of the event that hid behind the card. They were complemented by some spatial footnotes (see installation details). As a constellation in space they were my subjective, if to some extend distant and indirect reflection on the five years that had passed.
On the other hand the postcards presented trigger a different or similar set of memories in the visitor. This work is an attempt at interweaving something quite private or subjective with something quite public and thus create a sense of inbetween and shared spacetime.

2005–2010, detail