But it is September now … / The World so far away (A Postcard from Die)(2021)
Performative Exploration, Documentation, Sketch
Performative Exploration, Documentation, Sketch
Yuki Jungesblut: Kirin Quest Design: Studio Katja Gretzinger Text: Horatio Clare, Björn Vedder English/German 16,3 x 23 cm, Softcover with poster, open thread binding 420…
11 x (10×15 cm) Matte Photo Prints on DIN A4 Paper clipped to 100 Yen Shop Clipboards HD Video, 3:00 min, cropped for CRT monitor,…
Single Channel Video for Projection DV PAL, 6:16 min., plus POSTCARD, 2009 (2002) projector mounted on simple construction