The Country of the Seven Hells, Beppu, Japan, 2014 Fine Art Print, 40 x 60 cm, 2015
The Country of the Seven Hells, Beppu, Japan, 2014 Fine Art Print, 40 x 60 cm, 2015
(A Tale from a City) Photo Series, 7 Photos, 30×45 cm (2002/2015) Individual Images
Artist Book, with a text by Björn Vedder (2015), 196 pages, 20×25 cm, Turtlelab Press
Heavenly (Music Pieces) Piano and LP Cover (Found Objects), 2012 Framed Fine Art Print, 50 x 75 cm, 2016
Spatial Association Arrangement with objects, text and images Ongoing Research Project, Snapshot: 19th & 20th November 2011
Booklet/ Catalogue Text by: Sandro Zanetti Design: Studio Katja Gretzinger 36 Pages, 105 Images Published by: Goldrausch Künstlerinnen Projekt Language: German ISBN: 978–3–941318–298
Video for panorama 360 degree projection, 3min 30s, 2010 (2005) 1 channel for multiple display shown at „Nightshots“, Homebase Berlin, 2010 in a 2 day…
POSTCARD TRACES Site specific mixed media installation collected exhibition postcards (2005 – 2010), 2010 X-FLAT, temporary exhibition space, Berlin —
ZONENPARADOX (Zonographische Untersuchungen/ Zonographic Investigations) Materialisationsbericht (Materialisation Report) 80 pages, colour and black and white
Single Channel Video for Projection DV PAL, 6:16 min., plus POSTCARD, 2009 (2002) projector mounted on simple construction
HAPPY CAT DAY Sculptural Array of 23 Waving Cats and 1 Antenna (Old Style), 2008